Accompanying this article is the April issue of Freedom Daily. All of the articles in this issue are devoted to the immorality and destructiveness of the government's war on drugs.
People have recently said to ...
Drug laws have been one of the most destructive forms of government intervention in 20th century America. Not only have they been the indirect cause of thousands of murders, thefts, robberies, burglaries, and other crimes against innocent people and ...
Friends of mine recently shared with me your two articles, "Libertarians: The Chirping Sectaries" and "A Dispassionate Assessment of Libertarians." In these articles, you claimed that an unbridgeable gulf separated the moral ...
The American flag is one of this nation's most treasured symbols of freedom. Therefore, when the United States Supreme Court held that the burning of the flag was an act protected under the First Amendment, many Americans were outraged. ...
After more than forty years of suffering under socialism, the Polish people finally have an opportunity to pursue economic freedom. Yet, every indication is that the new Polish government intends to pursue the same old hackneyed ideas of plunder ...
Socialism is morally and intellectually bankrupt. Under the guise of "order" and "security," millions of innocent people have been murdered or enslaved. Under the guise of "taxation" and social justice, untold amounts of income and savings have been plundered ...
Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote,
"Old time, in whose bank we deposit our notes,
Is a miser, who always wants guineas for groats.
He keeps all his customers still in arrears
By lending them minutes and charging them years."
Governor Holton, General Irby, distinguished guests, ...