Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Despite their good intentions, the proponents of the welfare-state, managed-economy way of life have ended up with results that are opposite from what they intended. The war on poverty was ...
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The welfare state and the managed economy do more than destroy individual self-esteem. They also destroy hopes of improving one's life. Now, we know that money cannot buy happiness, but ...
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When the surgeon general of the United States, Joycelyn Elders, announced that drug legalization was an idea worth studying, the reaction among politicians, bureaucrats, conservatives, and even those on the ...
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The only solution to America's health-care crisis is to end, not reform, governmental intervention into economic activity. What would this entail? A way of life in which people would be ...
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For over one hundred years, the American people said no to governmental intervention into health care. Americans did not permit their respective states to license physicians and other health-care providers. ...
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In his book A Critique of Interventionism , Ludwig von Mises wrote, "Authors of economics books, essays, articles, and political platforms demand interventionist measures before they are taken, but ...
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At the end of World War II, the United States was the economic leader of the world. Since our geographic territory had not suffered the ravages of war, we led ...
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After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government arrested American citizens of Japanese descent, placed them in American concentration camps, and confiscated their assets. ...
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I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to visit Japan and to speak to you, the Japanese people, during my first year as president of the United States. I am ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
David Koresh and his followers challenged the cult of the omnipotent state. And for that, they paid the ultimate price — death at the hands of ...