Whenever politicians wish to score political points, they recommend raising the minimum wage. Parading as champions of the poor and downtrodden, they cry out against all those selfish and greedy employers who are ...
Last summer, I spent a two-week vacation studying Spanish in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I thought that the readers of Freedom Daily might find some of my experiences to be of interest.
San Miguel de Allende is located ...
With much fanfare, the federal government recently announced it had smashed the largest ever alien-smuggling ring, which allegedly brought thousands of Indians and other foreigners into the United States for $20,000 a head. ...
Last summer, I spent a two-week vacation studying Spanish in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, which is located in the heart of Mexico, about three hours north of Mexico City. This is the ...
To relieve the suffering in the drought-stricken counties of Texas, Congress passed an appropriations bill, but it was vetoed by the president. In his veto message, the president stated: "I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in ...
After the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the U.S. government retaliated by bombing a gathering of individuals in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan. American government officials were convinced to a moral certainty that ...
The U.S. Justice Department has hauled Microsoft into court with the ostensible purpose of protecting American consumers from another big, bad monopoly. As with other antitrust suits, it's all a waste of time, ...
It's easy to see that it's election time in America. Vice President Gore recently made a campaign swing around California where he handed out $185.4 million in federal grants while, at the same ...
Perhaps we ought to lament the tearing down of the Berlin Wall. It might have been less costly and more efficient to simply move it to the southern border of the United States.
Four ...
The dictionary defines "revolution" as a complete change in something. Thus, when Republicans called the 1994 election results a Republican revolution, everyone naturally assumed that there was going to be a complete change ...