One of the core tenets of American foreign policy is the encouragement of democracy around the world. The implication is that if a country is democratic, the people within that country are free. ...
The flap over whether the Confederate flag should fly over the South Carolina state capitol raises an interesting question: Should Old Glory be permitted to fly over the nation's Capitol in Washington, D.C.?
After ...
By raising questions about America's participation in World War II, Pat Buchanan has horrified American interventionists. People are simply not supposed to raise questions about America's role in what has become known as the "good war."
Was Nazi Germany a ...
"The U.N. war-crimes prosecutor is examining evidence of possible war crimes by NATO pilots during the bombing of Yugoslavia last spring. Civilians were killed when U.S. pilots attacked a bridge as a passenger ...
"The United States Postal Service has decided that the Internet is a viable means of communication and commerce. Postmaster General William Henderson is contemplating a campaign to plug the USPS into the ...
"The pure, pristine hypocrisy of Republicans is reflected in the case of Elian Gonzalez. Republican presidential candidates are vehemently protesting the INS's plans to return the boy to Cuba, suggesting that communism is ...
"A new twist has surfaced in the Elian Gonzalez case. In a fascinating op-ed in the Wall Street Journal entitled "Elian's Journey" (Jan. 24), James Taranto tells the story of the two other people who ...
Word has leaked out that the Justice Department might demand that Microsoft break up into three companies as part of any settlement agreement in the government's antitrust suit against Microsoft. The idea is ...
"Ricardo Lagos, an admitted socialist, has been elected president of Chile. Twenty-five years ago, another socialist, Salvadore Allende, was elected president of Chili, and with the apparent help of the U.S. government, was ...
RETIRED ARMY GENERAL Barry McAfree has announced that he is now retiring from his position as America’s drug czar. If only he would take the war on drugs with him.
Of all the domestic wars that the U.S. government has ...