Americans everywhere were outraged at the Cuban diplomat's remark that Elian Gonzales is the property of the Cuban state. If only their outrage extended to their own homeland!
For more than 100 years, Americans ...
Last year, I spent a week in Cuba with the official permission of the U.S. Treasury Department and the Cuban Interest Section in Washington, D.C. (the diplomatic agency that is "hosting" Elian ...
The race for the Republican presidential nomination reflected the extent to which conservatives have abandoned their own principles. The two leading Republican contenders, George W. Bush and John McCain, waged a fierce ...
"The reason that the State of Virginia has insurmountable ballot-access barriers that keep Libertarians from appearing on the ballot for statewide races became a little clearer last weekend. (Due to the high barriers, the Libertarian ...
"The Internal Revenue Service has planned its annual pre-April 15 advertising campaign. A church in Indianapolis is refusing to pay federal withholding taxes totaling $5.9 million on religious grounds -- that the monies paid ...
"The Clinton administration's program to confiscate weapons in Kosovo provides powerful evidence of why Americans should be opposing gun-control efforts in the United States. There is one and only one reason that ...
"Last week, George W. Bush provided a clear-cut example of 'compassionate conservatism.' He claimed that John McCain is against breast-cancer research because McCain purportedly voted against government funding of such research -- sort ...
Unfortunately, while many scholars understand the nature and benefits of the free market in general, they seem to lack a firm appreciation of pure free-market principles in the area of education. An example ...
Austrian Joerg Haider and his Freedom Party are causing waves of anxiety throughout the European Union as well as the U.S. State Department. Government officials on both sides of the Atlantic are expressing dismay at Haider's ...
The American people survived the threat of terrorist attacks during the millennial celebrations. But fear was definitely in the air. Seattle canceled its celebration after a man was arrested at the Canadian border with bomb-making materials. New York City ...