Demonstrators at the World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting in Seattle protested "free-trade" negotiations between various nations of the world because, the protestors claimed, free trade harms people. I too oppose the WTO ...
Christmas is the perfect time of year to reflect on such things as freedom and virtue. People give presents to their friends and loved ones, donate food and clothing to the poor, and make contributions to their churches and ...
Republican presidential contender George W. Bush's refusal to deny cocaine use raises some fundamental, moral questions: Why should the state be punishing adults for drug offenses? Why shouldn't people be free to engage in self-destructive behavior as long as ...
Afer the bombing of the Alfred J. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995, President Clinton declared, "There's nothing patriotic about hating your government or pretending you can hate your government but ...
"The U.S. government is warning American citizens to beware of "terrorist" attacks all over the world, including the U.S. Our government has attacked and bombed people in Iraq, Serbia, Panama, Haiti, Somalia, and ...
"Fidel Castro has upped the ante by demanding the return of a 5-year-old Cuban boy to his Cuban father. The boy's mother and stepfather and nine others were drowned when their boat sank after they ...
"Detroit parents whose children have been playing hooky from school were summoned to the office of state prosecutors and threatened with 90 days in jail. In Brewton, Pennsylvania, ten parents were indicted for their ...
"Washington, DC, officials are ecstatic over plans by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) to build a brand new (taxpayer-funded) $120 million building in the district. Officials claim that the new ...
"Just in case you still had hope in the Republican 'revolution,' give it up. Discretionary spending under the new federal budget is expected to increase 5.8 percent over last year. Remember that big, bad ...
"With gleeful smiles on their faces, Justice Department lawyers posed for photographers after Federal Judge Thomas Jackson's ruling against Microsoft. The judge bought Justice's arguments that Microsoft is a "monopoly" because it has grown too ...