"Several weeks ago, the U.S. government captured 25-year-old Cuban baseball star Andy Morales and 30 other Cuban refugees on the high seas and forcibly repatriated them to Cuba. After his return, Cuban government ...
"In last Sunday's Parade magazine (I read it only sometimes), "Walter Scott's Personality Parade" took Hollywood star Robert Downey Jr. to task for being a drug addict. A reader had asked whether Downey ...
"The election of Vicente Fox as Mexico's new president has raised hopes that government corruption will be ended. Don't count on it. As long as ...
WITH THE presidential campaign season here, the quadrennial debate over Social Security has begun. Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush is calling for Social Security reform. He says that people should have the ...
THE HORRIFYING SEIZURE of Elián Gonzalez is one more reflection of the depths of depravity to which the U.S. government has plunged in our lifetime. The episode also reflects the extent to which all too many Americans continue to ...
"Amidst much fanfare, the U.S. government is committing more than $1 billion to the drug war in Colombia. Wow -- that should finally bring victory in the decades-long drug war! Why didn't somebody ...
"Federal Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson has issued his long-awaited judgment, ordering the breakup of Microsoft into two companies. Jackson wrote, "Microsoft as it is presently organized and led is unwilling to accept the ...
"President Clinton has unilaterally lifted a 50-year embargo on North Korea, permitting Americans to import goods from North Korea and export goods and send money there. Now, let me see if I have ...
Another proud day in the history of the United States. The U.S. government forcibly repatriated Cuban baseball star Andy Morales into Cuban communist tyranny after he and 30 other Cubans who had fled Cuba ...
In her critique of libertarian opposition to government (public) schooling, public-schoolteacher Angela Harding fails to answer some important questions. ("Libertarians Are Forever Exposing Their Radicalism," June 16) If public schooling is the ...