"Bribery is considered a crime, but not during presidential elections. Every four years, we are treated to the spectacle of political bribery by Republican and Democratic presidential candidates. The Republican candidates always ...
"Colorado state senator John Andrews is proposing a law requiring public schools to have a moment of silence and to post the Ten Commandments. As the very model of a governmental, socialistic program, ...
"George W. Bush and John McCain are fighting over which one of them is the true conservative and the real reformer. But what does conservatism have to do with reform of socialistic government ...
"Embroiled in the Bob Jones University controversy, Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush could have turned lemons into lemonade. Bush could have explained that the hallmark of a free society is the right ...
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is calling for a global New Deal to combat poverty in poorer nations. His plan raises important issues affecting the economic well-being of people all over the world. Why ...
Upon reading Hans-Herman Hoppe’s article “On Free Immigration and Forced Integration,” I couldn’t help but wonder whether he first reached the conclusion that he wanted to reach and then constructed ...
For reasons not exactly clear, the immigration issue gives some libertarians trouble. In their efforts to grapple with the issue, it’s made needlessly complicated and some highly odd “solutions” are promulgated. We’ll look ...
"A small $45,000 scandal has hit the Prince George's County (Maryland) sheriff's office. It seems that the sheriff's department seized the money from an alleged drug dealer seven years ago and hid it in a safe ...
One of the core tenets of American foreign policy is the encouragement of democracy around the world. The implication is that if a country is democratic, the people within that country are free. ...
The flap over whether the Confederate flag should fly over the South Carolina state capitol raises an interesting question: Should Old Glory be permitted to fly over the nation's Capitol in Washington, D.C.?
After ...