The moral decline of the conservative movement was recently reflected in a syndicated column entitled "Goofy may be a Libertarian" by Don Feder, one of the conservative movement's leading lights. Feder's critique, which ...
Last month, of course, was tax time, the month in which millions of Americans filed their income tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service and paid whatever income taxes they still owed the ...
"Remember back in 1979 when the Iranians under Ayatollah Khomeini took over the U.S. embassy and held U.S. diplomatic personnel hostage? Remember how our government portrayed the Iranians as horrible devils and the ...
"The police department in Waukesha, Wisconsin, is asking local bars and liquor stores to refuse selling alcohol to misbehaving and habitual drunks. Certainly, the police want to clean up the downtown and encourage ...
"If our federal income tax system is actually based on voluntary, rather than coerced, payments of income taxes, as IRS officials sometimes tell us, how come they don't send us thank-you notes?"
"Why hasn't the government indicted every service station owner in the country? After all, it's obvious that they are engaged in a giant conspiracy against the American people. Have you noticed that they all ...
"Janet Reno says that Elian Gonzalez is better off at Andrews Air Force Base than he was in the home of the Miami relatives because in Miami, he was subjected to an artificial world of ...
"It's hard to say whether Elian Gonzalez's father would defect to the United States if he were free to do so. Some Cubans do indeed like living in a society where there is ...
Americans everywhere were outraged at the Cuban diplomat's remark that Elian Gonzales is the property of the Cuban state. If only their outrage extended to their own homeland!
For more than 100 years, Americans ...
Last year, I spent a week in Cuba with the official permission of the U.S. Treasury Department and the Cuban Interest Section in Washington, D.C. (the diplomatic agency that is "hosting" Elian ...