"Everybody's upset with former President Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich, the financier who had been indicted by a New York grand jury under former U.S. Attorney Rudy Guliani for buying and selling oil ...
The pomp and ceremony surrounding George W. Bush’s nomination of new department heads is now complete. The discussion and debate now center around the qualifications of each of the new nominees. But ...
"Perhaps we should periodically count our blessings here in the United States. From a recent Associated Press article : 'A dot.com millionaire said he is fighting a huge traffic fine--reportedly $44,100--for driving ...
ONE OF THE biggest differences between Christian statists and Christian libertarians concerns the role of the state in matters pertaining to morality. Christian statists believe that the state should be God’s ...
FACED WITH A LACK of Northern enthusiasm for his war against the South, President Lincoln resorted to drastic means to finance his war effort. If Lincoln had resorted to a traditional method of government finance — taxation — he ...
"I fall into the camp that says that Al Gore has the right to pursue all legal remedies in his attempt to establish that he is entitled to Florida's electoral votes. But I wish he ...
When Mexican president Vicente Fox visited Washington last August, he raised an idea that caught presidential candidates Al Gore and George W. Bush totally off guard. Fox suggested that it was ...
"Well, the first big presidential debate took place last night. Let me see if I have this right. Both Bush and Gore believe in: income taxation and the IRS; the drug war and the DEA; ...
"Three billion dollars have been spent on the 2000 presidential and congressional races, making this the most expensive election in history. People gripe and complain, but refuse to face the true nature of the ...
"How does the U.S. government distinguish between war and terrorism? Our government continues to bomb Iraq on a regular basis, without a constitutionally required congressional declaration of war, and calls it ...