Part 1 | Part 2
The most radical experiment in history is the Constitution of the United States of America. Throughout history, people had accepted the commonly held notion that government’s powers over the citizenry were supreme. In 1787, ...
"Libertarians are often challenged by statists on two points: first, whether it would be morally proper to terminate such government programs as public schooling, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and public housing for ...
"Both George W. Bush and Al Gore have declared illiteracy a 'national emergency.' What better indictment of the results of public schooling? After all, throughout the 20th century, Americans were required, under pain ...
"Two INS officials were recently convicted of alien smuggling and conspiracy for permitting people to smuggle illegal aliens into the United States. Witnesses said that they paid the two officials between $1,500 and ...
"Republicans have once again showed their hypocritical, compromising stripes. Republican House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert has written a letter to President Clinton offering his full support for a one-dollar increase in the minimum wage, ...
With the presidential campaign season upon us, one cannot help but ask whether we are electing a president ... or a daddy. After all, both George W. Bush and Al Gore are promising to take ...
WE SHOULD NOT let the hoopla associated with the Million Mom March cause us to lose sight of the real purpose and meaning behind the Second Amendment: the ability to protect ourselves from the tyranny of our own government.
Virtually ...
"President Clinton has announced that he is giving $78 million to Ukraine to help close the Chernobyl nuclear reactor. At about the same time, a study by Syracuse University disclosed that the Internal Revenue ...
"Several weeks ago, the U.S. government captured 25-year-old Cuban baseball star Andy Morales and 30 other Cuban refugees on the high seas and forcibly repatriated them to Cuba. After his return, Cuban government ...
"In last Sunday's Parade magazine (I read it only sometimes), "Walter Scott's Personality Parade" took Hollywood star Robert Downey Jr. to task for being a drug addict. A reader had asked whether Downey ...