Gun-rights advocates sometimes defend the Second Amendment in terms of the right to defend themselves from criminals and the right to hunt. Those things are, of course, important but they miss the real purpose of the right to keep ...
Friday, October 31, 2003
Dear Friends of FFF,
Last week I traveled to St. Louis, Missouri, to deliver a speech entitled “The Moral Bankruptcy of U.S. Foreign Policy” to about 60 students at Washington University. What a great time that was! ...
Is it possible that the “We’re here to establish democracy” rationale being used to justify the continued occupation of Iraq is just as false and deceptive as the rationale that Iraq’s “weapons ...
Horrors! Sen. Edward Kennedy has thrown the Washington establishment into turmoil by making the shocking observation that the Bush administration is using U.S. foreign aid to bribe foreign governments to support its occupation of Iraq. “My ...
Five states have declared a state of emergency as a result of Hurricane Isabel. Citizens in the affected states should hope that government officials don't do what they often do during such emergencies — ...
As is widely known, the federal spigots in foreign affairs, as in domestic affairs, are now wide open: hundreds of billions of dollars will be spent in Iraq, not to mention the ...
In a 15-minute speech explaining why the American people should support the occupation of Iraq, President Bush offered another phony justification for the U.S. government’s invasion of Iraq: to fight the “war on ...
Labeling resisters to the U.S. occupation of Iraq as “terrorists” obfuscates an important point — that there are people in Iraq and all over the Middle East who hate the United States ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Unfortunately, all too many Americans have swallowed — hook, line, and sinker — the Bush administration’s claim that the Iraqi people are now free. The U.S. invasion of Iraq has ...
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article entitled “Federal Spending Threatens Our Security,” in which I pointed out that uncontrolled federal spending threatens the economic security and well-being of the American people. Since ...