Saturday, July 31, 2004
Well, well, well—surprise, surprise—millions of dollars in Iraqi oil money that have supposedly been used to “rebuild” Iraq are unaccounted for, resulting in 27 criminal investigations for fraud—against U.S. officials. The Los Angeles Times
With the Supreme Court’s delivery of severe blows this week against the assumption and exercise of certain dictatorial powers by the president and the Pentagon, every American should feel freer, safer, and more secure. While the Court avoided issuing a ...
Given all the indignant neoconservative “outrage” over the financial misdeeds arising from the UN’s socialist oil-for-food program during the 1990s, when the UN embargo was killing untold numbers of ...
The debacle in Iraq might well provide a watershed period in the history of our country a period in which the American people engage in deep reflection on the problems facing our nation and reevaluation of them, not only ...
Critics of the federal government’s two-year incarceration of accused terrorist Jose Padilla without charges or trial correctly point out that the government has violated Padilla’s right to counsel and his rights to ...
Our nation is in deep trouble morally, economically, and politically. Practically everything in which the federal government has embroiled itself for the last several decades is in crisis education, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, inflation and the dollar, welfare, government ...
With military manpower shortages arising out of the war in Iraq, there is talk in the air that the federal government might reinstitute the draft, most likely sometime after the November election. Such a ...
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
The neoconservative commentators who believe that patriotism means blind support of government, especially during times of war, are stunned, shocked, and paralyzed over the Supreme Court’s decisions in the Hamdi, Guantanamo, and Padilla cases because they ...
A British citizen, Jamal Harith, who was held in Cuba for two years without trial by Pentagon officials, is alleging that U.S. troops committed the same kinds of
abuse in Cuba that they ...
Those who think that the U.S. Constitution is an antiquated document with no relevance to modern times might want to consider how federal officials would operate in the absence of constitutional restraints. ...