Thursday, March 31, 2005
According to the Pioneer Press, Dan Gartrell, a former Head Start teacher at Red Lake High School in Minnesota, said public-school student killer Jeff Weise
“would have been just fine if teachers ‘had time to ...
Unfortunately, the CIA “success” in Iran, which produced the CIA’s ouster of Iran’s democratically elected prime minister, bred a CIA “success” in another part of the world, Latin America. One year after the 1953 coup in Iran, ...
Are you familiar with the big “shock” that neoconservatives have experienced over the financial scandal arising out of the infamous “oil-for-food” government program, which was the subject of an investigative report ...
My very first exposure to libertarianism was provided by Ayn Rand, whose 100th birthday is being celebrated today.
One afternoon in the fall of 1974, I was sitting around watching television. At the ...
Among the legitimate purposes of government is the punishment of those who violate the rights of others through the commission of violent or forceful acts, such as murder, rape, robbery, theft, burglary, or trespass. As the Framers understood, however, ...
Monday, February 28, 2005
U.S. Attorney Paul J. McNulty, who is representing the government in the Abu Ali case (the case in which U.S. officials kept U.S. citizen Abu Ali in a Saudi jail for 20 months), should be given ...
When Iranians took U.S. officials hostage in the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979, Americans were mystified and angry, not being able to comprehend how Iranians could be so hateful toward U.S. ...
Last Wednesday, some two months after the U.S. presidential election, U.S. officials formally ended their two-year search for Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Perhaps this will finally put an end ...
While some people might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people, nothing could be further from the truth. Today, ...
Isn’t a central argument among those who argue for the continuation of America’s premier socialist program, Social Security, that Americans cannot be trusted to voluntarily take care of the needs of their elderly ...