A friend recently sent me an article written a couple of years ago entitled “How to Destroy America,” which provided an account of a Washington, D.C., “immigration-overpopulation conference filled to capacity ...
The Constitution brought into existence the most unusual government in history. It was a government whose powers were limited to those enumerated in the document itself. If the power wasn’t enumerated, the government ...
The Oklahoma City bombing 10 years ago holds an important lesson regarding the 9/11 attacks. It is a lesson about terrorist motivation and the consequences of U.S. government policy.
After the Oklahoma City bombing, U.S. officials immediately ...
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
U.S. officials might be prematurely celebrating the death of Musab al Zarqawi, given a tape on which Zarqawi describes his wounds as minor.
The Zarqawi saga evidences the ease by which federal officials can mold ...
Republican attacks on the judiciary bring to mind what unquestionably was the fiercest attack on the independence of the federal judiciary in American history — the infamous “court-packing scheme” of Democrat President Franklin ...
Pop quiz! Two questions!
Exam Question No. 1: What two characteristics do the following things have in common?
Social Security
Drug War
War on Terrorism
War in Iraq
Budget Deficit
U.S. Dollar
Can’t figure out the answer? Here are some clues:
Far be it from me to attempt to explain why Pope John Paul II, who spoke out 56 times against President Bush’s War on Iraq, opposed the president’s war. But whatever his reasons ...
A common misconception among the American people is that their rights come from the Constitution. Even lawyers and judges are guilty of believing this, oftentimes suggesting that whether a right exists or not ...
Weve got a high-quality problem and we need your help.
Recently our Internet Service Provider, which has hosted our website for many years, gave us 45 days to transfer our website, including our shopping cart, to another ISP. The reason? ...
Saturday, April 30, 2005
One of the interesting twists of fate in Iraq involves Bush versus Bush with respect to the regime that would rule Iraq.
After U.S. military forces under Bush I ousted Saddams forces from Kuwait in the Persian ...