Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Why Bush Wants War with Iran
by Jacob G. Hornberger
First of all, please don’t fail to read Chalmers Johnson’s terrific new article that we link to in today’s FFF Email Update: “Why Nemesis Is at ...
Soldiers who join the military voluntarily sign a very unusual contract with the federal government. It is a contract that effectively obligates the soldier to go anywhere in the world on orders of the ...
As the debacle of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq continues to spiral downward, sucking countless more people into its death throes, some of those whose philosophy contributed to the fiasco remain ...
Friday, December 29, 2006
Yesterday, I blogged about a book entitled A Question of Torture by Alfred W. McCoy, which details how the torture that U.S. officials have engaged in has not been because of a few bad apples ...
Dear Friend of FFF,
We need your end-of-year financial support more than ever!
With the U.S. mired in the quicksand of Iraq, with out-of-control federal expenditures causing the dollar to plunge in international markets, and with civil liberties of the American ...
Amidst all the comparisons of the Vietnam War with the occupation of Iraq, people seem to be ignoring an important question: Why not invade Vietnam too?
After all, everyone knows that Vietnam is not ...
Dear Friend of FFF:
I have never been more excited about a conference in my life. Next June 14, 2007, The Future of Freedom Foundation is holding one of the most important conferences in the ...
I could, of course, be proven wrong but my hunch is that the United States will be trapped in Iraq for the indefinite future. Despite the recent election results and increasing demand among ...
I will leave it to others to remind people of the enormous contributions that Milton Friedman, who died yesterday, made to economics and liberty during his long life. I thought instead that I ...
Having lost control over the U.S. House of Representatives and possibly also the U.S. Senate, Republicans have no one to blame but themselves. They deserved to lose.
For years, Republicans have used libertarian rhetoric in their political campaigns. We favor ...