In an article I wrote last August entitled “The Torture and Execution of Kiki Camarena,” I recommended a Netflix documentary entitled The Last Narc. It revolves around the torture and execution of a DEA agent named ...
I have seen immigration-control advocates exclaim against illegal immigration my entire life. They say that U.S. officials just need to “crack down” in the war on illegal immigration in order to bring an end to America’s decades-long, never-ending, ...
Part 1 | Part 2
Among the best examples of the dysfunctional nature of American society are the mass killings that take place on a regular basis. As everyone knows, many of them occur without any rational motive. Someone ...
Amidst all the talk about defunding the police, notice something important: No one talks about defunding the military. That’s because the military establishment is too powerful and has come to be accepted as a permanent feature in American ...
President Kennedy had a unique ability that Pentagon generals did not have. He was able to analyze an international crisis by placing himself in the shoes of his adversary in an attempt to understand his adversary’s motives. Doing ...
By any measure, the conversion of America to a welfare-warfare state has been a disaster. It is time to end this deadly and destructive political and economic experiment. Consider some examples:
1. After embroiling America in forever wars ...
Given President Biden’s decision to send 31 of its top-ranked M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, it is clear that the Pentagon has decided to escalate its war against Russia. Biden’s decision was followed by Germany’s decision to deliver ...
Today, federal officials stumble over themselves to show how much they revere Martin Luther King. They’ve even created a federal holiday to honor him.
Not so back when King was alive, however. During that time, U.S. officials were ...
Given that the debt-ceiling debate is likely to continue for a few months, examining the Constitution provides us with the reasons our nation has been plunged into this monetary morass.
Federal officials have now run up the ...
Referring to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an editorial in Saturday’s Washington Post exclaims that Ukraine’s “struggle is also a crucible for Europe and an assault against the most basic precept on which the Western system rests: ...