Have you ever noticed how often both sides to an economic transaction say, “Thank you” to each other? For example, when the cashier at the grocery store says to the customer, “Thank you,” ...
In a short editorial, the Detroit News asked an interesting question:
“Some war critics are suggesting Iraq terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi should have been arrested and prosecuted rather than bombed into oblivion. ...
After several consecutive months of bad news for U.S. officials — the Marine massacre at Haditha, the disclosure of secret CIA renditions and torture camps in former Soviet-bloc countries, the weekly deaths of American troops, and ...
Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, U.S. officials announced that the terrorists were motivated by anger and hatred for American “freedoms and values.”
In other words, the terrorists hated the First Amendment and rock and ...
A few years ago, I was delivering a lecture on the Constitution to an assembly consisting of a couple hundred high-school students. I made the following observation, which threw the students into an uproar: “The First Amendment to the ...
Friday, June 30, 2006
Ever since the 9/11 attacks, The Future of Freedom Foundation has not wavered in its firm opposition to the Pentagon’s torture camp and its kangaroo military tribunals that it set up in Guantanamo Bay, ...
If there was ever a charge against the U.S. government on which most foreigners would agree, it is the charge of hypocrisy.
Most Americans continue to view their federal government as a beloved parent, one who ...
Writing about the Zacarias Moussaoui case in the Washington Times, Suzanne Fields displays one of the major maladies that typify conservatives — their propensity to create their own realities with respect ...
Uh, oh! A new study reveals that “fears that the deadly strain of bird flu would move through Africa and Europe in flocks of wild birds have so far proven unfounded....” That means ...
I’m always intrigued by people who complain that Latino immigrants who don’t learn English aren’t “assimilating” within American society.
Consider my hometown of Laredo, Texas, where I was practicing law in the 1970s. The ...