The central point of Barack Obama’s economic plan is to tax the rich in order the give money to the poor. Of course, this is nothing more than the core philosophy of the welfare ...
A front-page article in the New York Times today describes how the economic policies advocated by both John McCain and Barack Obama are the same old tired ideas that Republicans and Democrats have ...
Our conference “Restoring the Republic 2009: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties” was a resounding success! The 21 speeches were among the best I’ve ever heard. In fact, I have never participated in a ...
This speech was given at The Future of Freedom Foundation’s June 2008 conference, “Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties” held in Reston, Virginia.
Transcript (PDF)
Jacob G. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom ...
A rare Gallup poll conducted in 2006 in Havana and Santiago, Cuba, reflect that Cubans have a good grip on reality regarding the two root causes of the horrible economic misery under which ...
Among the biggest myths in economics is that government intervention is needed to ensure a minimum wage for workers. In fact, not only is such intervention unnecessary, it is actually harmful to those ...
An op-ed in yesterday’s conservative Wall Street Journal provides another example of how there isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats, especially when it comes to foreign policy. The op-ed, ...
Americans received a good dose of conservative idiocy over the weekend.
The dose, which almost defies belief, involves noted conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, who got upset with a television advertisement by Dunkin Donuts that ...
With all the campaign talk about the various wars in which America is involved — the war on Iraq, the war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on illiteracy, the war on ...
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