It has become an established part of American life that the American people must bear a deep enmity toward Russia. If anyone dares to say anything good about Russia, the wrath of the national-security-state god and its loyal ...
E. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., an old-line conservative who is founder and editor in chief of The American Spectator, has recently weighed in on the Kennedy assassination. In his article, Tyrrell regurgitates the popular official narrative of ...
Given the U.S. government’s increasing financial difficulties, we can expect extremely vicious behavior on the part of federal officials to bring money into the regime. What U.S. officials are currently doing to Russian billionaires provides a clue as ...
In response to the U.S. government’s weaponization of the dollar through such measures as sanctions and trade wars, China, along with Russia and other nations, are making efforts to dethrone the dollar as the world’s international reserve currency. ...
President Biden is in Mexico City where he is meeting with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who is commonly referred to in Mexico as AMLO. This is what AMLO should say to Biden:
“It is nice to ...
Immigration-control advocates are ecstatic over President Biden’s visit to El Paso. Maybe — just maybe — Biden’s trip will be what finally — finally! — brings victory in the decades-long U.S. war on immigrants.
Except that it won’t. ...
President Biden’s recent decision to permit the CIA to continue keeping its 59-year-old records relating to the Kennedy assassination secret from the American people has brought about a public backlash that has not been seen since the enactment ...
One of the fascinating aspects of the war in Ukraine has been the extreme reluctance of the mainstream press and Pentagon-CIA supporters to acknowledge, much less condemn, the Pentagon for its role in bringing about this war. After ...
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial about Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s so-far failed bid to become Speaker of the House, which stated the following: "Voters elected a Republican House to … investigate the anarchy at ...
The mainstream press is so upset over the lies that Congressman-elect George Santos has told that they are besides themselves. In their eyes, Santos sullies the much-vaunted concept of democracy that U.S. officials spread around the world through ...