Yesterday, I wrote about how U.S. foreign policy ignites and engenders a variety of crises, especially since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Empire. Such crises are then used to ...
With the Russian invasion of Georgia, Americans are able to capture a glimpse of another U.S. foreign-policy “success” story.
The most shocking event in the history of the U.S. military-industrial complex, which President Eisenhower said was ...
Referring to Russia’s incursion into Georgia, President Bush says that invading a sovereign country that poses no threat is “unacceptable in the 21st century.” John McCain echoes that sentiment with, “In the 21st century, nations don’t ...
This month marks the 63rd anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
U.S. officials have long justified the nuclear attacks on the rationale that the attacks shortened the war. If the ...
Amidst the death and destruction in Georgia, the neo-conservative reaction here in the United States is a sight to behold.
Aggression, the neo-cons are screaming. The Russians are waging an unprovoked war of aggression, they’re exclaiming. ...
In 2007 and 2008 The Future of Freedom Foundation hosted two important conferences, “Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties.”
The final collection of 45 speeches — delivered by a unique combination libertarians, ...
In the first trial held in the Pentagon’s “judicial” system at Guantanamo Bay, Salim Hamdan, Osama bin Laden’s driver, was acquitted of conspiracy, convicted of providing “material support” to a U.S.-named terrorist organization, and given ...
While criticizing Chinese authorities for lack of religious and political freedom, President Bush was caught flat-footed by the rebuke issued by Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang, who responded, “We firmly oppose any words or acts ...
This past week, Americans have had the opportunity to witness another glorious day in the life of the 35-year-old war on drugs.
A few minutes after the mayor of Berwyn Heights, Maryland, Cheye Calvo, returned home from ...
I just received an interesting letter from officials of Montgomery County, Maryland, advising me that I owed the county $40. The reason? The letter advised me that surveillance cameras had caught me speeding — 43 mph ...