I grew up on a farm on the Rio Grande outside Laredo, Texas. I lived almost half my life on the border. Ever since I was a kid, I have seen the chaos and crisis that comes with ...
The Russian government has been cracking down on Russian citizens who criticize the Russian war on Ukraine. A New York Times article last week described 20-year-old university student Olesya Krivtsova, who was charged with “justifying terrorism” ...
Throughout the time during which Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank were going under, U.S. officials were steadfastly assuring the American people that the U.S. banking system “remains sound and resilient.” The purpose of the assurances was to ...
According to an article in the New York Times, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell says that current rapid price growth in the economy is due to such factors as “snarled supply chains, an oil shock following ...
In the failure of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, U.S. officials decided to cover all the uninsured deposits in both banks — that is, deposits that exceeded the $250,000 insurance coverage of the FDIC. The belief was ...
The mainstream press and the Internet are filled with commentators who are expressing deep regret and remorse for having supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. That’s a good sign. But we shouldn’t forget that the U.S. ...
Little did we know when we held our online conference last fall how prescient it would be. The conference was entitled “End Inflation and the Fed.” It featured some of the most competent libertarian and Austrian ...
The Los Angeles Times has an interesting article today by Nicholas Goldberg about the Pledge of Allegiance. Goldberg praises those independent-minded students and parents who have challenged its enforcement in public (i.e., government) schools.
The ...
The United States once had the finest monetary system in history. It was a system that the U.S. Constitution established. It was a system in which the official money of the United States consisted of gold coins and ...
The U.S. invasion of Iraq, whose 20th anniversary occurs this month, provides a perfect demonstration of why so many people around the world believe that the U.S. government suffers from a very grave case of hypocrisy. While U.S. ...