To gain a good perspective on how the Pentagon and the CIA view the Constitution, all one has to do is consider what they’ve done with their prison camps in Cuba and Afghanistan.
Keep in mind, first ...
Among the arguments that libertarian advocates of border controls often use is the sovereignty argument. It goes like this: Since government is the owner of the highways, it can legitimately control who travels on them, much ...
If President Bush and Vice-President Cheney think that time is on their side with respect to crimes committed by their administration, this week’s criminal conviction of former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori should put those thoughts ...
If you had any doubts that the Pentagon lives in a bizarre world all its own, such doubts will surely be dispelled when you read this blog post by Glenn Greenwald. The post concerns ...
Last night I saw one of the greatest speeches I’ve ever seen, which took place at our Economic Liberty Lecture Series at George Mason University. The speech was by Bruce Fein, whose Washington Times column we often link to ...
Students at the University of Maryland are receiving a valuable lesson about the welfare state and, specifically, the education dole that state officials provide institutions of higher learning. The students had scheduled a showing of ...
Have you ever wondered how it is that Americans today have such a completely different attitude toward the federal government than the people who founded our country?
Our ancestors looked upon the federal government as the greatest ...
What was momentous about the 9/11 attack was not the attack itself, given that there had been other terrorist attacks in response to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East (e.g., the 1993 terrorist attacks on ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Among the major threats facing the American people today is out-of-control spending at the hands of the U.S. government. It is a grave danger that people ...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Ninth Circuit v. the CIA
by Jacob G. Hornberger
The omnipotent power claimed by the CIA was dealt a major blow Tuesday by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Binyam Mohamed et al ...