A logical consequence of having permitted the Bush administration to treat terrorism as either an act of war or a criminal offense, came to the forefront last week when the New York Times revealed that top ...
Since everyone is discussing the socialism of the Obama administration, it seems to me that this would be a good time to discuss the Pledge of Allegiance.
Why the Pledge?
Well, because the pledge was written by a socialist named Francis ...
While we’re on the subject of a one-party political system in places like Iran and China, we would be remiss if we didn’t remind periodically remind ourselves that for all practical purposes, the political situation isn’t ...
The pro-torture crowd sure seems quiet about the plight of 23-year-old private Bowe R. Bergdahl, the American soldier being held captive by the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Why the silence?
For eight years the pro-torture crowd has been ...
I have published three blog posts regarding the abusive grand-jury subpoena that federal prosecutors in the Robert Kahre case served on the Las Vegas Review Journal:
Kahre’s Prosecutors Are Going Nutso (June 12)
Federal Prosecutors Buckle on Abusive ...
Washington insiders are agog over what seems to be a rather dramatic flip flop of principles by conservatives at the American Conservative Union, which touts itself as America’s oldest conservative lobbying organization. Like other conservative ...
The debate over the health-care monstrosity that Congress is considering enacting raises some fundamental issues about our lives, liberty, and health.
There is one reason why there is a health-care crisis in America: socialism and interventionism, ...
One of the interesting aspects of the Honduran coup debate is with respect to the economic policies of ousted President Manuel Zelaya. Those who defend Zelaya’s ouster are quick to criticize his leftist philosophy and programs, ...
Among the most shocking aspects of Barack Obama’s presidency so far has been his embrace of the power that George W. Bush assumed to incarcerate people suspected of terrorism for the rest of their lives, without ...
There are two interesting developments in Jose Padilla’s lawsuit against former Justice Department lawyer John Yoo, who was one of the authors of the infamous torture memos.
First, the Justice Department is no longer defending Yoo ...