Here’s an update on our Economic Liberty Lecture Series, which is turning out to be a very exciting program.
In September our first speaker, Lew Rockwell, president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and head of Lew, attracted an ...
The U.S. Army has partially surrendered in the case of Lt. Ehren Watada by allowing Watada to resign from the army and avoid further court-martial proceedings. The Army had been prosecuting Watada for refusing orders to deploy ...
Pity the imperialists. What do they do? They must realize that the longer they continue occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, the more they weaken the Empire. Hey, they don’t call Afghanistan the “graveyard of empires” for nothing.
America’s ...
The principal argument for continuing the 8-year occupation of Afghanistan is that if the Taliban regain power, they will provide a “sanctuary” for al-Qaeda. It is a fallacious rationale for the continued killing of Afghanis and the continued sacrifice ...
Fox News legal commentator Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Internet program Freedom Watch is one of the most fascinating phenomena in the history of the libertarian movement. There’s never been anything like it and if it were ...
Given the surge in interest in libertarianism during the past few years, it is amazing to me that one must still lecture the New York Times on the subject but, alas, such is the case. In ...
The Harrison, Arkansas, Daily Times reports that FedEx has covered the $11,000 bill for an air ambulance to take 7-year-old Jada Harper from Houston to her home in Arkansas. The girl has terminal cancer ...
Freedom Watch 44 w/ Jacob Hornberger and Wayne Allen Root
In late July, the New York Times disclosed a secret plan by the CIA to assassinate suspected terrorists around the globe. According to the Times, the agency decided against implementing the plan, possibly because of the risk of being prosecuted for ...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Why Do Liberals Hate the Poor in Cuba?
by Jacob G. Hornberger
President’s Obama’s much-ballyhooed campaign promise of “change” has received yet another setback. This time it’s respect to the U.S. embargo against Cuba, which has been in ...