Imagine that for the last 100 years, the federal government’s policy was to bail out every business that was in danger of going under. The policy would consist of shoveling large amounts of subsidies into the business in ...
For a long time now, I have been maintaining that America’s cruddy monetary system was headed toward a crack-up. Of course, it’s always impossible to predict the exact timing of such a crack-up but it’s not difficult to ...
The New York Times recently carried an interesting article about the death in 1973 of Pablo Neruda, one of the most renowned poets in the world. Neruda was a Chilean citizen. He was also a strong ...
Yesterday, I wrote about two American tourists who were kidnapped and killed by a drug cartel in Matamoros, Mexico. I pointed out that if it hadn’t been for the drug war, those two people would be ...
Proponents of the war on drugs have three more deaths to add to their drug-war ledger. A few days ago, two Americans, Shaeed Woodard and Zindell Brown, were killed by members of a drug cartel while visiting Matamoros, ...
Chinese leader Xi Jinping has issued a direct critique against the U.S. government’s policy of containment when it comes to China. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, the critique is unusual in that ...
Ever since China began liberalizing its economy, it has become fashionable in some circles to suggest that China went “capitalist.” This was especially true as economic prosperity in the country began rising. Not only were Chinese business people ...
Almost a year ago, The Future of Freedom Foundation published my book An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story, which I consider to be the best work I have done in the 33-year history of ...
Not surprisingly, immigration-control advocates are coming fiercely to the defense of George Allan Kelly, the 74-year-old Arizona man who is charged with murdering a Mexican citizen who illegally crossed the border into the United States and trespassed on ...
The war in Ukraine has displayed a fascinating dichotomy that exists within conservatives. They uniformly condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine while, at the same time, steadfastly ignoring the measures that the Pentagon took through NATO to provoke ...