Is Americas current War on Terror essential to keeping our nation safe? Or is it yet another vehicle for the federal government to increase its power over our lives and take away our liberties? Is the War on Terror ...
What a great time we had at the CPAC conference! Yes, I know what you might be asking yourself: What in the world was FFF doing at CPAC? After all, it is a conference for conservatives, right? And we ...
President Bush and his neoconservative supporters were practically teary-eyed on election day in Iraq. No longer did it matter that the weapons of mass destruction that had been used to scare the American people into supporting the war didn’t ...
At the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference, Jacob Hornberger joined Philip Giraldi, Karen Kwiatkowski, and Bruce Fein on a panel co-sponsored by The Future of Freedom Foundation, Campaign for Liberty, and Ladies of Liberty Alliance. See the full video ...
What an awesome day I had yesterday! Wow! I’ll give more details about the CPAC conference later. Right now I’ll just talk about the Big Highlight of the day — Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Freedom Watch, which ...
I tuned into conservative Bill O’Reilly’s show on Fox News last night to see what libertarian John Stossel had to say, and in the process I was treated to one of the most inane arguments I ...
How long have European socialists been telling us how successful European welfare-statism has been? The governments in Europe’s socialist countries, they tell us, take care of their people with pensions, social security, free health care ...
I’m no psychiatrist but it’s been said that the subconscious of people who are suffering severe guilt sometimes causes them to make inadvertent admissions of wrongdoing. That might well be why former Vice-President Dick Cheney ...
In preparation for the two recent back-to-back blizzards, D.C. residents were emptying the shelves of neighborhood grocery stores. Notwithstanding the pre-blizzard panic buying, what’s interesting is that no one was freaking out about whether the ...
In an obvious ambush of Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina, Fox News commentator Glen Beck told Medina in a radio interview that he had received emails from listeners saying that she was a 9/11 truther, that is, a ...