An editorial in the Saturday New York Times indirectly confirms what I wrote in my recent article Why Do Daily Kos and Alternet Support a Racist Program?
In that article, I pointed out that a minimum-wage law ...
I was a liberal back in my late 20s. I was practicing law in my hometown of Laredo, Texas, where I was serving on the board of trustees for the local Legal Aid Society, a government agency that provided ...
Friday, May 28, 2010
Libertarians, Open Borders, and the Welfare State
by Jacob G. Hornberger
Nobel Prize winning libertarian economist Milton Friedman once suggested that libertarians could rightfully oppose the concept of open borders as long as the United States had a ...
How often have we heard proponents of the unlawful war of aggression against Iraq say that the real purpose of their invasion (after U.S. troops and the CIA failed to find those infamous and scary WMDs that were about ...
There is still no trial date set in the federal case of Luis Posada Carriles, the foreigner whom Venezuela accuses of having planned the terrorist downing of a Cuban civilian airliner in 1976 that killed 73 ...
With the possible exception of the war on drugs and public (i.e., government) schools, it would be difficult to find a government program that is more damaging to inner-city poor people, especially blacks, than the minimum wage. Yet, liberals, ...
An interesting discussion has erupted on FFFs Facebook page in response to two items I posted regarding the Tea Party movement:
Irony: Daily Kos and Alternet liberals are attacking me & Tea Party types are attacking Bovard, ...
What lots of Americans dont realize is that the new Arizona immigration law simply extends to the entire state the requirement that darker-skinned, poorer-looking Americans along the border have had to live with for decades carrying their papers, just ...
The Los Angeles Times is reporting that city governments, who are suffering severe financial strains, are looking to the federal government to bail them out. And the federal government, our nations daddy, is responding favorably. ...
On April 15, 2010, Jacob Hornberger gave the following speech at an event sponsored by the Young Americans for Liberty at Purdue University.