It is important that Americans be fully aware of an important rule with respect to U.S. foreign policy that the U.S. government has implemented and is now enforcing. In fact, knowing and understanding the rule is ...
A French court recently recognized the idiocy of one of the U.S. government’s attempts to enforce its sanctions against Iran by denying the government’s request to extradite an Iranian businessman for allegedly violating the sanctions. U.S. prosecutors were ...
One of the things that amaze me about life is how so many people remain wedded to statism despite the inherent defectiveness and destructiveness of the statist paradigm. Why remain committed to something — why ...
If you’re an American taxpayer, you should expect to receive a thank-you note from dole recipients in Greece fairly soon. The reason is that Barack Obama, working with his cohorts at the Federal Reserve, is using ...
On May 5, the Washington Post published an editorial questioning whether the Obama administration had considered treating the suspected Times Square attempted bomber as an enemy combatant rather than as a federal criminal defendant. I wrote an article entitled ...
Let me begin by making a very simple, direct point: There is one — and only one — solution to the so-called immigration crisis: freedom and free markets. Every other measure, including the recently enacted immigration law in Arizona, ...
Leave it to the Greeks to expose American liberals and the road to statism they continue to take our nation.
Over the past 20 years, how many times have we heard European statists extolling the virtues and ...
In an editorial yesterday entitled Obama Administration Owes Answers on How It Handled Times Square Suspect, the Washington Post wants to know whether the Obama administration was too hasty in treating accused Times Square ...
In a press conference yesterday about Faisal Shahzad, the Pakistani-American who allegedly tried to blow up the car bomb in Times Square, Attorney General Eric Holder stated, The reality that there is a constant threat from ...
In the past week, I have written two articles (here and here) detailing how one of the favorite economic interventions of liberals (i.e., liberals in the corrupted, big-government meaning of the term), falls disproportionately on poor, inner-city ...