Part 1 | Part 2
Twenty years ago — March 19, 2003 — the U.S. government launched its invasion and war of aggression against Iraq. It was a deadly intervention, one that resulted in the deaths and injuries of ...
America’s socialist system of immigration controls does not simply come with a “Do Not Enter Sign.” It comes with fierce enforcement measures. In fact, it comes with so much enforcement that people living in the borderlands have, over ...
There have long been two camps in the libertarian movement: the reform camp and the liberty camp.
The libertarian reform camp aims at improving the welfare-warfare state system under which we live. Libertarian reform plans include such ...
In yesterday’s blog post, I addressed one aspect of the immigration police state that is part of the enforcement of America’s socialist system of immigration controls — domestic highway checkpoints. I pointed out that such police-state ...
Advocates of America’s socialist immigration-control system oftentimes forget or ignore that their system comes with an immigration police state. At the risk of belaboring the obvious, a police state is the opposite of a free society.
In other ...
Today’s Los Angeles Times contains a letter to the editor from a North Hollywood person named Dave Simon, which states in part the following: “To this day, I have no regret that President Harry Truman saved ...
American statists cannot understand why the Russian people continue to support their president Vladimir Putin and their government’s invasion of Ukraine. For American statists, the issue is very simple: Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia bad. Russians should oppose Russian ...
Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8
In this episode, Jacob explains how the sworn testimony of Col. Pierre Finck, one of the three JFK autopsy pathologists, confirms the early sneaking of President Kennedy's body into the ...
Both liberals and conservatives are convinced that the biggest threat to our freedom and well-being lies with Russia and China. And, well, also the terrorists, Muslims, drug dealers, illegal immigrants, North Koreans, Cubans, Syrians, Vietnamese, communists, Reds, and ...
One of the most fascinating parts of the ongoing, never-ending debate over immigration is how statists continue to think that somehow their immigration-control system is finally — finally! — going to be made to work. Their hope is ...