The U.S. government is criticizing the Chinese government for one of the communist regime’s favorite tactics: using “economic crimes” as a legal cover to prosecute, convict, and incarcerate people who are actually guilty of political crimes. The latest instance ...
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Outgoing U.S. ambassador to China Jon M. Huntsman Jr. recently issued a broadside against China’s human-rights record, a pointed attack that comes in the wake of a brutal crackdown on dissent by the communist regime. “The United States will ...
The disastrous failure of Cuba’s socialist economic system provides valuable clues to the American people as to why the United States is mired in economic woes. While total socialism has led Cuba into the depths of economic despair, the ...
An interesting aspect of the Syrian protests shows, once again, the big success of public (i.e., government) schooling in America.
Syria is ruled by a brutal dictatorship. Everyone agrees on that. The world is witnessing the power of that dictatorship ...
No doubt to the chagrin of many judges across the land, a New Hampshire jury has shown, once again, that juries are the final judges of both the law and the facts in criminal cases, contrary to what all ...
This month marks the 50th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs invasion, a regime-change operation in Cuba planned and initiated by the CIA. The invasion was a disastrous failure, one that the CIA is still trying to rectify half-a-century ...
Perhaps the most damaging effect of public (i.e., government) schooling is the malleable mindset that it produces in American children, a mindset that defers to the authority of the government in important matters. Day after day, year after year, ...