The Egyptian military is denying having killed 26 Egyptian citizens who were protesting on the streets of Cairo, even though witnesses claim to have seen Egyptian troops shooting the protestors and running them down with tanks. One thing is ...
Yesterday, I described one of the principal dangers of a ruler having the omnipotent, non-reviewable power to assassinate his own citizens (and, for that matter, foreigners as well). All too often rulers, along with their armies and intelligence forces, ...
Lyndon Johnson once remarked, We had been operating a damned Murder Inc. in the Caribbean.
What Johnson was referring to was the CIA's assassination program during the 1960s in which the agency targeted Latin American leaders for assassination. Johnson's statement ...
Statists are continuing to say that President Obama's assassination of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki (through his CIA and military forces) was justified because Awlaki was supposedly exhorting Muslims to resist U.S. foreign policy with force and that he was ...
Yes, I fully realize that some conservatives will claim that I'm smearing the reputation of Chile's former military dictator Augusto Pinochet by comparing him to President Obama, but since Obama's assassination program is so similar to Pinochet's, the comparison ...
Statist supporters of President Obamas assassination of an American citizen overseas, Anwar al-Awlaki, are convinced that Awlakis actions warranted his assassination. There is at least one big problem, however, with their convictions: How do they know what Awlaki did ...
If there's a bright side to the national security states assassination of one of its citizens, its this: At least the statists are not saying that the dead man, Anwar al-Awlaki, hated America for its freedom and values. Most ...
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In a Fourth of July message to Congress, John Quincy Adams suggested that if America were ever to embrace the principles of empire and militarism, she would become a dictatress of the world. What better evidence of Adams wisdom ...