Ever since 9/11, we have repeatedly emphasized why the assumption of extraordinary emergency powers by the president, the military, and the CIA as part of their war on terrorism was antithetical to a free society.
Everyone is coming to the ...
No doubt that many supporters of the U.S. government’s war on terrorism and its global assassination program will come to the defense of the Libyans who executed former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi after taking him captive. They will say, ...
It really is sad — no, actually pathetic — to see Republican presidential candidates competing with each other to show how tough they are on illegal immigrants in order to garner votes from Republican voters. That’s not to say, ...
On the matter of great disparities of income and wealth in a society, the manner in which people become wealthy is of great importance.
In a society based largely on socialism and crony capitalism, which is the system under which ...
American statists are now claiming that Americas economic woes are rooted in income inequality. They're suggesting that the reason people are struggling economically is because there are millionaires and billionaires in American society. If only the government would take ...
The Jacob Hornberger Show broadcasts live Saturday nights at 7pm EST. Visit FFF's Ustream Channel to watch the show live.
President Obamas reaction to the alleged Iranian assassination plot reflects, once again, the dictatorial powers that the president of the United States now wields in foreign affairs.
As many commentators are noting, the whole scheme appears to be as bogus ...
In todays blog, I thought I would share with you a deeply insightful quote by Alan Barth (1906-1979), who served on the Washington Posts editorial board for 30 years. The quote is from his book The Rights of Free ...
Yesterday, the would-be plane bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab pled guilty to terrorism in federal district court in Detroit. Hes the guy who was charged with trying to explode a bomb on an international flight coming into Detroit.
Federal court, you ...