I have not yet seen Oppenheimer but from what I gather about the film, it does not dwell on the massive death and suffering that the U.S. government inflicted on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the ...
When Russia invaded Ukraine, it immediately became an easy decision for today’s interventionists. Their position was both simple and simplistic: Ukraine is a sovereign and independent country. Russia initiated a war against Ukraine by invading the country. Therefore, Russia ...
Why would anyone who is concerned with protecting the environment want to put the U.S. government in charge of that task? After all, look at how much damage the U.S. government has done to people and the planet ...
In a welfare state, there are two sectors: the parasitic sector and the producing sector. The parasitic sector attaches onto the producing sector and begins sucking the lifeblood out of the producing sector, much like leeches that attach ...
The new movie Oppenheimer has caused many people to rededicate themselves to the goal of achieving an international ban on nuclear weapons. But that’s never going to happen. There is no reasonable possibility whatsoever that the U.S. national-security ...
According to an article on the website Common Dreams, leftists are lamenting the fact that the federal minimum wage has not been raised since 2009. They are saying that the current $7.25 federal minimum wage is ...
Episode 14 | Episode 15 | Episode 16
In this episode, Jacob shows how the 60-year-old official narrative of the Zapruder film is false.
Go to the podcast.
I entered Virginia Military Institute as a freshman in 1968. By that time, the Vietnam War was in full swing. During the four years that I was at the school, VMI graduates were among the tens of thousands ...
A couple of days ago, the New York Times published a story about the brutal authoritarian regime of Aleksandr Lukashenko, the leader of Belarus. The article points out that after winning a “widely disputed” election three ...
One of the popular mantras for some conservatives and some libertarians when it comes to foreign interventionism is the following: “We should never intervene abroad except when it is in ‘our national interest.’”
There is one great big ...