While big government statists in both the Republican and Democrat parties remain mystified over Ron Paul’s surge in the polls in Iowa, the ones who seem most confounded by this phenomenon are the members of the mainstream media, who ...
With congressional passage of the new military-detention bill, and President Obama’s unsurprising flip-flop decision to sign it into law, perhaps this would be a good time to review where we are as a country.
We now live in a country ...
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After those bogus WMDs failed to materialize in Iraq, the U.S. government changed its rational for invading and occupying the country to one purportedly intended to bring freedom and democracy to Iraq. Countless Iraqis have been killed, maimed, tortured, ...
Why not immediately repeal Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education grants, food stamps, foreign aid, and all other welfare-state programs?
While welfare-statists won’t state this directly, the following describes their attitude toward the American people:
You are a bad people. You are ...
Like most everyone else, I periodically encounter people at some busy intersection with a cardboard sign saying something like, “Homeless with three children. Please help.” My immediate reaction is to feel sympathy, which is then followed by the thought ...
Jacob Hornberger, founder of the Future of Freedom Foundation, believes the US has imposed a dictatorship that just happens to be democratically elected on the Iraqi people.
You've got a regime that is dictatorial in every sense of the word, ...
I’ve got a modest welfare-state proposal that I’m sure every welfare-state advocate is certain to embrace. The fact that my idea comes at Christmas makes it doubly good.
I propose a new law that would mandate that every single American ...
A Message from Jacob Hornberger - Video 2 from The Future of Freedom Foundation on Vimeo.