Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Libertarians versus Liberals on the Poor
Wouldn’t it be great to have a national debate between liberals and libertarians over whose philosophy and policies help the poor?
For decades liberals have claimed that the welfare-state/regulated-economy way of life ...
The Jacob Hornberger Show broadcasts live Saturday nights at 7pm EST. Visit FFF's Ustream Channel to watch the show live.
I just don’t get conservatives. They say they support individual freedom, economic liberty, free markets, limited government, and the Constitution.
They also say they oppose socialism, interventionism, collectivism, and paternalism. They point out that such isms just don’t work.
Okay, fine.
Then ...
The year before a presidential election is a period of great euphoria for the American people, for this is the period of time when presidential candidates are extremely nice to the American people.
And why not? They’re seeking votes. They’re ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Of all the dangers to the freedom of the American people, I would rank the enemy-combatant doctrine as the greatest. In my opinion, the federal government’s power ...
The biggest con in history — bigger even than Social Security — might well be the one in which statists have conned the poor into believing that the welfare state helps them. If those at the bottom of the ...
President Obama says that people are poor because others are rich. What a crock that is. It’s nothing more than a refusal to accept personal responsibility for the failure of the welfare-warfare way of life and the managed-economy way ...
It’s fascinating to see the GOP presidential candidates supporting the principles of economic liberty while, at the same time (except Ron Paul), ardently supporting Obama’s imposition of sanctions against Iran. Not only are sanctions an attack on the people ...
When I heard what Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum said about Cuba in last nights Florida presidential debate, I felt like I was in a Cold War time warp and that we were about to see flower ...