“I love sweatshops.”
That was how economics professor Benjamin Powell, our Economic Liberty Lecture Series speaker last night, wrapped up his excellent talk on the benefits of sweatshops. An overflow crowd, mostly composed of George Mason University students, was treated ...
Egypt is developing into a fascinating situation, one that involves the United States. It’s worth paying attention to in the coming months.
Egypt has been ruled by a brutal military dictatorship for the past 30 years. The regime has been ...
I confess that I have trouble sometimes figuring out the nature and logic of the so-called war on terrorism. The following are what seem to be the principles of this “war”:
1. Since the “war on terrorism,” according to U.S. ...
Ludwig von Mises pointed out that one government intervention into economic activity inevitably leads to more interventions. The reason? Each intervention brings with it more crises and more chaos, which then cause public officials to enact new interventions to ...
Argentina’s president, Cristina Fernandez Kirchner, had better watch her back. She could conceivably be the target of a regime-change operation, compliments of the CIA.
Given all the other things the CIA is currently engaged in, why would it target Argentina ...
Both Glenn Greenwald and Chris Hedges have excellent analyses of the federal terrorism conviction of American citizen named Tarek Mehanna.
At his sentencing hearing last week in federal court, Mehanna delivered a scathing condemnation of U.S. ...
President Obama’s “free-trade pact” with Colombia at the recent Summit of the Americas demonstrates the statist mindset of liberals and, well, for that matter, conservatives — and shows how different their mindset is from that of libertarians.
According to the ...
The Internet is abuzz with talk about how Latin American leaders are increasingly considering the idea of drug legalization.
Latin America should not hesitate to end the war on drugs — and the sooner, the better. Latin American ...