The times they are a-changin’!
A pro-drug war congressman from El Paso, Silvestre Reyes, a Democrat, has just been defeated in his bid for reelection by a man named Beto O’Rourke. And take a wild guess what O’Rourke’s principal issue ...
Sometimes I find the paternalistic mindset to be so darned fascinating. What is it that drives a person to initiate force against another human being to protect the latter from making bad choices in life? Why can’t the paternalist ...
When a former federal prosecutor who is now a federal judge complains about the lack of justice and fairness in drug-war sentencing, you know that something is dreadfully wrong with the drug war, that is, on top of everything ...
Have you ever noticed that Nazi soldiers, especially those who died in World War II, are never celebrated as heroes? Why is that? Didn’t they answer the call of their government in time of war? Didn’t they serve their ...
What a disaster conservatives are. They preach their old 1950s mantra “free enterprise, private property, and limited government” while embracing every socialist and interventionist program that comes down the pike. A recent example is Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s ...
One of the ostensible goals of U.S. foreign policy is to spread democracy. Of course, the reality is the exact opposite. The U.S. Empire is one of the greatest lovers of nonelected dictatorships in the world, as manifested by ...
With Hondurans angrily demanding that the U.S. government withdraw its drug-war personnel from the country, we shouldn’t forget that this isn’t the first time that U.S. drug officials have participated in the drug-war killing of innocent people. Almost 11 ...
In an era in which many statists are doing their best to assure themselves and others that they are not socialists, this might be a good time to visit one of the most deeply entrenched and popular socialistic programs ...
Just as I have repeatedly predicted since the last debt-ceiling debate, statists are already gearing up for another lifting of the debt ceiling. A good example comes in a New York Times editorial, which is already trying ...
One of the main arguments made by pro-torture Americans is that the information acquired by torture can lead to important information that can save the lives of innocent people. Their argument is a classic example of the old maxim, ...