The Egyptian people are learning firsthand why America’s Founding Fathers were so opposed to standing armies. Our ancestors understood that standing armies are a grave threat to the freedom and well-being of the citizenry. Thus, it’s no surprise that ...
This week, the Egyptian people got a taste of the reality of military dictatorship, while the American people got a taste of the reality of U.S. foreign policy.
The Egyptian Supreme Court dissolved the Egyptian Parliament, and Egypt’s military dictatorship ...
After Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused Russia of shipping attack helicopters to the Assad regime in Syria, Russian foreign minister Sergey V. Lavrov reminded Clinton of something she might have forgotten: that the U.S. government supplies weaponry to ...
Among the big choices facing Americans is the role of the U.S. government in foreign affairs.
Should the U.S. government have military bases in foreign countries … have a navy patrolling waters thousands of miles away from American shores … ...
If you want to see a look of stunned silence on the face of a drug-war proponent, ask him the following question: To win the war on drugs, what do you propose be done that hasn’t already been done ...
According to a front-page article in today’s New York Times, Mexico’s top presidential contenders are signaling a shift in how Mexico intends to fight the drug war. While the movement is in a positive direction, unfortunately it ...
I don’t get U.S. officials. They’re so outraged over the brutality of the Syrian regime. They calling for an investigation into atrocities committed by Syrian forces against the Syrian people as part of the regime’s effort to suppress a ...
My article this past Tuesday, “Partnering with the Communists,” detailed how the Pentagon is doing its best to partner with the communist regime in Vietnam in order to provoke crises with China.
The Pentagon’s troublemaking strategy is already working. ...
For statists who were hoping that Greece’s financial crisis had receded into the background for the indefinite future, their hopes have been dashed. This title of an article on the front page of today’s New York Times sums up ...
Given the U.S. government’s longtime military and financial support for dictatorships around the world, including Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and its historical support of military dictatorships in Latin America, I suppose it’s not too surprising that the Pentagon ...