Parking lots at local commercial establishments provide a good example of the difference between statism and libertarianism. Such parking lots provide parking places near the entrance of the store for handicapped drivers. Why do they do that? Because statists ...
During her trip to Egypt over the weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was pelted by tomatoes, shoes, and chants of “Monica, Monica, Monica” from Egyptian protestors. Playing the role of the innocent as she met with the ...
Conservatives are at it again. Faced with the possibility that Americans are finally starting to realize that U.S. foreign policy is the cause of anti-American terrorism, conservatives are now reverting to their old stand-by position for justifying the continued ...
When one lives under a regime of a welfare state, it is oftentimes tempting to mire one’s self within the muck of “reform” proposals, as liberals and conservatives do. This is especially true in a country like the United ...
Take a look at these two articles, one from the Washington Times and the other from the Los Angeles Times:
Egypt’s Real Ruler: Military Leader Tantawi
Will Egypt’s Generals Yield?
What’s the significance of those two articles? ...
I find it fascinating how American television sportscasters steadfastly hew to the official line regarding the continued occupation of Afghanistan. During virtually every game, the sportscaster will make some reference to U.S. soldiers who have died or lost limbs ...
The U.S. government has an un-American way of making friends in foreign affairs, one that the American people should abandon once and for all. It’s a method of friendship based on militarism, extortion, bribery, and military mercantilism.
Concerned about the ...
Scott Horton interviws Jacob Hornberger about his article “Needed: A National Debate on U.S. Support of Dictatorships;” the 1953 CIA-supported coup in Iran, leading to the hostage crisis, 1979 Islamic Revolution, and poor relations to this day; the US-supplied ...
Okay, I’ve got the perfect summation of everything that is wrong with America, thanks to a letter to the editor written by a guy from Indiana that criticized a recent FFF op-ed by Sheldon Richman.
The op-ed, “Bloomberg’s ...
Mexico has a new president, 45-year-old Enrique Pena Nieto, who is a member of the PRI, the political party that once held the Mexican people in a monopolistic iron grip for some seven decades.
In 2000, with much hope and ...