Last night, I had the good fortune of attending the world premier of Atlas Shrugged, Part 2, in Washington, D.C. I say good fortune because it was an absolutely awesome film. It had everything — action, adventure, suspense, great ...
The New York Times reports today that the value of Iran’s currency has fallen 40 percent in the last week alone, another sign of the horrible economic pain that the U.S. government is inflicting on the Iranian people with ...
Both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, along with their vice-presidential running mates, are fighting hard to convince voters that they will support and defend Medicare to their dying day. All of these political candidates understand an uncomfortable truth about ...
Two separate articles in the mainstream press provide good examples of how proponents of the welfare-warfare state are getting so desperate over the failure of their beloved statist paradigm that their thinking is getting ever more muddled. The two ...
President Obama’s pointed observation that Egypt is no longer an ally of the United States reveals the imperial mindset that characterizes U.S. officials.
Obama was recently asked in a television interview, “Would you consider the current Egyptian regime an ally ...
Article One, Section 10, of the U.S. Constitution reads: “No state shall … make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”
Article One, Section 8, reads as follows: “The Congress shall have Power … ...
We should bear in mind what the Pentagon initially had in mind when it established its prison camp and judicial system at Guantanamo Bay after the 9/11 attacks. Its plan was to make its prison camp totally independent from ...
The real shame of the Obama-Romney race will be the lack of debate on the fundamental issues facing our nation. Alas, the sad reality is that we’ve got a race between two statists who are battling over which one ...