It’s time for Republicans to do the right thing. It’s time to put the brakes on out-of-control federal spending. The best way to do it is by refusing to lift the debt ceiling when the current ceiling is reached ...
The fiscal-cliff deal shouldn’t surprise anyone. A sufficient number of Republicans caved, enabling President Obama to bask in the glory of causing Republicans to vote for a massive tax increase.
What did the Republicans get in return with respect to ...
Given the statist direction in which our nation continues to head, one might be tempted to succumb to despondency. After all, everywhere you look, there’s a crisis, with calls for even more statism to address the crises. The worse ...
The situation certainly doesn’t look good. The U.S. welfare-warfare state is more entrenched than ever. Federal spending continues to soar. The national debt continues to mount. The Federal Reserve is cranking up the inflationary ...
Yesterday, I pointed out one of the big downsides to the embrace of the national-security-state way of life — that it has induced Americans to maintain a constant state of delusion with respect to U.S. foreign policy. I ...
The New York Times published an article on December 25 that exposes a harsh reality about U.S. foreign policy to mainstream Americans. The article, entitled “Bahrain, a Brutal Ally,” focuses on one of the principal dark sides of ...
Have you noticed that all that fear-mongering among the statists regarding the fiscal cliff is starting to diminish? That’s because they are now coming to the realization that their fear-mongering might not succeed in driving Congress and the president ...
The U.S. government’s ongoing dispute with Russian President Vladimir Putin reflects what a disaster the U.S. government’s “war on terrorism” has been, at least from the standpoint of moral standing.
Ever since his election, Putin, harkening back to what he ...
If there is a more emotionally painful experience than a parent’s losing a child, I can’t imagine what it would be. The emotional wound is raw and goes down to the deepest recesses ...