This weekend is the Super Bowl, which means that viewers will be treated to the standard line about the troops — that they are over there protecting our rights and freedoms here at home. The sports broadcasters might even ...
One of the most successful programs of U.S. indoctrination involves the Department of Defense. Most Americans honestly believe that the Department of Defense is really about the defense of the United States, when, ...
Ever since Alan Gross was arrested and incarcerated in Cuba, his supporters have portrayed him as a simple, naïve American who was doing nothing more than distributing some cell phones to Jewish groups in Cuba. U.S. officials have especially ...
A book I read over the weekend absolutely blew my mind. It’s one of those types of books that shakes your world view about something, in this case the U.S. government’s war in Vietnam. It is an absolutely shocking ...
What an inaugural shame. President Obama had a chance to raise the country’s vision to a higher level and to move American into an entirely new direction. He instead made it clear that he intends to keep the nation ...
As I predicted, the Republicans are caving again on the debt ceiling. After weeks of huffing and puffing, House Republicans have announced that they’re now willing to enact a 3-month extension of the debt ceiling. What that means is ...
Germany has announced that it’s going to repatriate 374 metric tons of its gold that it has stored with the Federal Reserve in New York City. While Germany claims that it will continue leave 1200 tons of gold in ...
After President Obama’s election in 2008, gun buyers went on a buying spree. Prices of assault rifles, ammunition, and high-magazine clips soared. The buying continued unabated for the four years of Obama’s first term.
Throughout that time, gun-control advocates ridiculed ...
It is shocking enough that the United States is even engaged in a debate over whether the U.S. government should be torturing or not. Historically, torture has been committed by evil, medieval regimes, ...