One of the popular arguments for keeping Social Security in existence is that there would be people dying in the streets if it were to be repealed. That is pure nonsense. It implies that freedom does not work. ...
One of the things that has long fascinated me about conservatives — and, well, has long bemused me as well — is their ability to deny reality. They are able to simply set aside what is real and ...
NOTICE: Mark your calendar! Thursday, October 5, at 7 p.m. Eastern. Benjamin Power is 0ur first presenter in our upcoming online Austrian conference: "How Austrian Economics Impacted My Life." Register here to receive your Zoom link.
FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger spoke at the fourth Ron Paul Scholars' Seminar on September 1, 2023, which preceded the Ron Paul Institute's "Which Way America...?" conference in Herndon, Virginia. The seminar invites upper division undergraduate ...
It has long been an article of faith for some libertarians to be squishy when it comes to Social Security. Contrary to how they view other federal programs, departments, and agencies, they inevitably place Social Security in a ...
Palgrave Macmillan has just published a book entitled Libertarian Autobiographies. Edited by Jo Ann Cavallo and Walter Block, it consists of a huge collection of short autobiographies by libertarians.
People are upset over the homelessness problem in American cities. Unfortunately, however, all too many of them are not interested in adopting the solution to the problem, which is twofold: (1) repeal zoning laws and (2) repeal minimum-wage ...
Apple’s new iPhone 15 demonstrates one of the principle features of European society — the fact that European political regimes wield the power to regulate, control, and direct economic activity.
The new iPhone now carries a USB-C ...
Yesterday, in my article "Our Immigration Police State," I wrote about aspects of the immigration police state that comes with America’s socialist system of immigration controls. These police-state measures include warrantless searches of farms and ranches within ...
When I was a kid growing up on farm on the Rio Grande outside Laredo, Texas, my dad hired illegal immigrants to help us harvest the crops we were growing on our farm. My brother and I would ...