In his current op-ed, “Fusion Power on the Right,” conservative Jonah Goldberg points to the increasing popularity of libertarianism, especially among young people. In a valiant attempt to embrace the trend, Goldberg argues that there really isn’t that ...
In last night’s law and economics seminar, we discussed the Supreme Court case of Adkins vs. Children’s Hospital, the 1923 case in which the Court declared unconstitutional a minimum-wage law enacted in 1918 by Washington, D.C. The seminar ...
Once again, the European Union is teaching Americans what lies at the end of the road of out-of-control federal spending and debt. Cyprus is the latest country that has required a bailout. But this time, the authorities have crossed ...
Fifteen years ago, I published an article entitled “Domestic Passports for Hispanic-Americans,” in which I described immigration checkpoint tyranny in America’s borderlands with Mexico. Americans who have never traveled to the border have no idea of the police ...
Have you ever wondered what people mean when they praise the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan for defending our rights and freedoms here at home? This is one of the most popular and important bromides of our time. Given ...
As I have been emphasizing ever since the 9/11 attacks, terrorism is a criminal offense, not an act of war. That’s precisely why the U.S. government secures criminal indictments issued by federal grand juries against people it accuses of ...
Yesterday, I had a great time sharing ideas on liberty at a very impressive private school in Virginia Beach, Cape Henry Collegiate School.
I started the day speaking to two combined classes consisting of about 20 seniors. Most of ...
Americans from across the political spectrum are finally waking up with deep concern over the president's power to assassinate people, especially Americans. People are also increasingly concerned about out-of-control federal spending and debt. For the first time in recent ...
With his 13-hour filibuster of President Obama’s nomination of John Brennan to be CIA director, U.S. Senator Rand Paul has drawn the nation’s attention to the issue of whether President Obama claims the authority to assassinate American citizens here ...
With the 10-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq upon us, there are three things that I find particularly fascinating.
First, the people who favored the invasion have different rationales for why they favored the invasion. Some of them ...