A recent controversy broke out over a test administered in Texas public schools, one that has especially roiled conservative statists. The controversy revolved around a test question involving 9/11 that was based on a video shown to Texas public-school ...
Leave it to the U.S. national-security state to destroy another country, this one being Costa Rica, known as the “Switzerland of Central America” and whose national slogan is “pura vida”—“pure life.”
How is the U.S. government now destroying Costa Rica? ...
Yesterday, the Boston Globe reported:
“The US military said Monday it had signed an agreement 2 ½ years in the making to support South Korea in countering North Korean provocations…. By putting the allies’ combined commitment on paper, the ...
Among the most laughable excuses for invading Iraq was the one that said that the U.S. government invaded the country to help free the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein’s tyranny. That was the big excuse that was trotted out ...
One of the popular arguments for gun control is that people don’t need assault rifles, high-capacity magazines, and certain types of high-powered pistols to shoot deer. That argument, however, ignores the primary rationale for the Second Amendment, which was ...
Last night The Future of Freedom Foundation hosted a really nice event to celebrate Pete Boettke’s newest book, Living Economics, published by the Independent Institute. The event was held at Founder’s Hall at George Mason University at its ...
On the tenth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, among the major issues being discussed is the unwavering support that the U.S. major media gave to the invasion. The major media not only placed unconditional trust in the ...
While President Obama, the Pentagon, and the CIA have steadfastly refused to say why they assassinated American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki, one thing remains beyond dispute: It wasn’t because Awlaki was trying to take away the freedom of the American ...
One of the distinguishing characteristics of liberals is their inability to focus on the unseen consequences of statist policies. They’re able to see the direct, immediate consequences of such policies but they have a blind spot when it comes ...
On Thursday evening, I had the honor of addressing the Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) and the Students for Liberty (SDS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The two groups were working together to oppose the ...