In the national discussion over the national-security state’s massive surveillance scheme over the American people, it’s imperative that we keep in mind how the national-security state’s foreign policy of empire and interventionism play into how we have ended ...
In the name of keeping us safe, it’s now indisputable that the U.S. national-security state has enveloped the American people in an extensive web of surveillance, one that characterizes communist regimes. It’s just the latest ...
Last month Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint and Heritage scholar Robert Rector presented the Heritage Foundation’s solution to the latest immigration crisis. The premier conservative foundation in the country thinks the federal government should focus on bringing in immigrants ...
If you haven’t been participating in FFF’s new webinar series, you’re missing a valuable and enjoyable intellectual treat. The webinar is conducted by FFF vice president Sheldon Richman. The first webinar was on the economy and the second one ...
Proponents of the government’s lone-nut assassination theory in the John Kennedy assassination oftentimes suggest that those who reject the official version of what happened have some sort of psychological need to place the assassination within the context of a ...
I know it’s considered heresy to criticize the U.S. government with respect to foreign affairs, but sometimes it’s just necessary to point out the disingenuousness and hypocrisy of the U.S. national-security state. There are lots of good examples that ...
A public-school controversy over 9/11 that erupted last spring in Texas demonstrates perfectly the statist mindset in America and how that mindset blocks the libertarian effort to create a proper foreign policy. The controversy also exemplifies the wide gulf ...
In yesterday’s blog post, I pointed out that the real purpose of public (i.e., government) schooling is to produce good little citizens who defer to the authority of the federal government. Through 12 years of regimentation within an ...
Following up on my blog post of yesterday regarding public schooling, yesterday’s New York Times had a really interesting article about public schooling in Thailand that demonstrated perfectly the real purpose of this socialistic program—to produce good ...
An excellent example of how differently libertarians and conservatives view the concepts of freedom and free markets with respect to the area of education appears in an article entitled “The Twinkification of American Education” by John Zmirak, ...