The Evidence that Convicts the CIA of the JFK Assassination, Part 2
The Evidence that Convicts the CIA of the JFK Assassination, Part 3
The Evidence that Convicts the CIA of the JFK Assassination, Part ...
If there is one thing clear about the U.S. national-security establishment’s pro-empire, interventionist foreign policy, it is that Americans are expected to maintain a deeply seated, permanent hatred of Russia. Woe to any public official who violates that ...
Episode 16 | Episode 17 | Episode 18
In this episode, Jacob analyzes what the CIA did to create an altered copy of the Zapruder film at its top-secret Hawkeyeworks.
Go to the podcast.
As I was reading an editorial in the Washington Post yesterday condemning Russia for its war of aggression in Ukraine and the torture of Ukrainians, I just kept asking myself: Why isn’t the Post condemning the ...
The recent military coup in Niger serves as another reminder to the American people about the danger posed by the national-security state form of governmental structure that America adopted after World War II, ostensibly to prevent a communist ...
In response to my article “Lee Harvey Oswald: Dead Man Walking,” a reader sent me an interesting question: Would the fact that U.S. officials prevented the Dallas County Medical Examiner, Dr. Earl Rose, from conducting the ...
I am receiving a considerable amount of feedback from readers regarding my article “Hiroshima and Nagasaki Were Shameful War Crimes.” Not surprisingly, some readers agree with my position and others disagree. In this follow-up article, I ...
Even though he most likely didn’t realize it, from the moment of JFK’s assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald, the man accused of assassinating President Kennedy, was a dead man walking. What I mean by that is that it’s clear, ...
I have not yet seen Oppenheimer but from what I gather about the film, it does not dwell on the massive death and suffering that the U.S. government inflicted on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the ...
When Russia invaded Ukraine, it immediately became an easy decision for today’s interventionists. Their position was both simple and simplistic: Ukraine is a sovereign and independent country. Russia initiated a war against Ukraine by invading the country. Therefore, Russia ...