One of the most amusing aspects of the NSA scandal has been watching national-security state toadies berate Edward Snowden, the man who blew the whistle on the NSA’s longtime secret surveillance system, for being a “coward.”
Their rationale?
They say that ...
The following is a non-verbatim rendition of a talk entitled “Replacing the Welfare-Warfare State with a Free Society” that FFF president Jacob Hornberger delivered to the Fairfax County, Virginia, Young Republicans on June 19, 2013:
Thank you. It’s very nice ...
One of the country’s major welfare-statists, Michael Lind, stirred up an interesting discussion when he asked the following question: If libertarianism is so great, why aren’t there any countries that have adopted it? Here is some of the discussion:
Suppose you have taken a job with the U.S. national-security state. You pass a high-level background check that secures you a top-secret security clearance. It is explained to you that everything that you see or do in your new ...
President Obama says that the reason he has finally decided to intervene in Syria by providing weaponry to Syrian rebels is because the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad has used chemical weapons in the conflict. Never mind that Obama ...
Several years ago I traveled to Cuba.
As most everyone knows, it’s a federal crime to travel to Cuba and spend money there without the official permission of the U.S. government. The idea is that if you travel to Cuba ...
The feds indicted and prosecuted Martha Stewart for lying to federal investigators about a stock trade. They also indicted baseball star Roger Clemens for supposedly lying to Congress about drug abuse.
So, the obvious question arises: Why no perjury indictment ...
Ever since I was a kid, I have heard Americans ask, “How could the German people have allowed the Nazi regime to commit its evil acts?”
Well, here’s the answer to that question: The German people had the same warped ...
If you’re a good little citizen who doesn’t make waves and loyally supports whatever the federal government does, always deferring to its authority and trusting its officials, and if you maintain this mindset for the rest of your life, ...
In the national discussion over the national-security state’s massive surveillance scheme over the American people, it’s imperative that we keep in mind how the national-security state’s foreign policy of empire and interventionism play into how we have ended ...