I find it absolutely fascinating how the president, along with his national-security state apparatus, can instantaneously throw the entire nation into crisis mode, this time with everyone in angst over whether the president should or should not bomb Syria. ...
After producing another classic national-security state crisis environment for the American people — this time over whether President Obama should order his military to bomb Syria — the president announced that he would first seek approval from Congress for ...
Part 1| Part 2
During the part of my life that I was a welfare statist, I never gave any thought to how the government raised its money. I just assumed that the government operated ...
Make no mistake about it: President Obama’s 90-minute telephone conference call with a group of congressional “leaders” to consult about his plans to initiate a military attack on Syria does not comport with the U.S. Constitution, the higher law ...
With much righteous indignation, President Obama is somberly indicating to the American people that he effectively has no choice — he must go to war, on his own initiative and employing what is effectively his private army, against Syria ...
I sometimes wonder why interventionists don’t donate their brains to science, after they die of course. It would be interesting to know whether they are born with interventionist mindsets or whether their mindsets are the result of the many ...
An upside to all the domestic and international crises is that they are providing the American people with the opportunity to consider two alternative paradigms for the future of our nation: the paradigm of statism under which we all ...
President Obama is considering what military action the U.S. government should take against Syria in retaliation for its purported use of chemical weapons against the Syrian people. At the risk of asking an indelicate question, where in the Constitution ...
Some Americans are agog at the U.S. government’s indifference to the military coup in Egypt and to the dictatorship’s brutal massacre of peaceful demonstrators. They just don’t get it. The U.S. government loves Egypt’s military dictatorship as much as ...
Objecting to the proposed merger between American Airlines and U.S. Airways, the Justice Department has filed an antitrust lawsuit against the two airlines. The rationale? The feds say that the merger would impede competition and therefore should be disallowed. ...