Ironically, before I heard about the gun massacre at the Washington Navy Yard, I was planning on blogging on the issue of gun control in Washington, D.C., based on an article that appeared in last Sunday’s Washington Post. ...
While President Obama’s hope of bombing Syria has been dashed, at least for the short term, the episode provides a valuable reminder of the role that a vast standing army plays in our governmental structure.
Even though Obama planned to ...
The overwhelming opposition of the American people to President Obama’s bid to start another U.S. war — this one against Syria — helps light the darkness under which we are living. It is refreshing that the American people did ...
According to Wikipedia, Fox News’ “The Five” is “the second-most watched program in all of cable news in the United States, placing only behind 'The O’Reilly Factor.'” That is absolutely amazing because by any libertarian standard, it’s got to ...
As part of its coverage on President Obama’s plan to bomb Syria, yesterday’s New York Times reported the results of a survey it recently conducted. The article stated in part:
When asked whether the United States should intervene ...
Tomorrow, September 11, marks the 40th anniversary of the 1973 military coup in Chile that ousted the democratically elected socialist-communist Salvador Allende from power and installed the brutal right-wing military dictator General Augusto Pinochet. It was a coup that ...
As if on cue, mainstream media types, both on the left and right, are trotting out their old Hitler-World War II card to justify another U.S. war, this time against Syria. Two notable examples: Bill Keller, former editor of ...
I just finished reading an absolutely awesome book. It’s entitled The War State: The Cold War Origins of the Military-Industrial Complex and the Power Elite, 1945-1963. (Order hard copy here and Kindle version here). I’ll be writing ...
An op-ed in today’s Los Angeles Times entitled “School Dress Codes: Miniskirt Madness” by a New York law professor named Ruthann Robson demonstrates perfectly the difference between libertarians and statists.
Robson is upset over the increasingly strict enforcement of ...
I find it interesting how President Obama intends to punish Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad for his purported use of chemical weapons against Syrian rebels. It provides a fascinating insight into the collectivist mindset.
To punish Assad, Obama says that he ...