A few days ago, I wrote about my experience crossing the Canadian border on the train in an article entitled “Dismantle the International Checkpoints.” The article focused on my experience with immigration checkpoints between the United States and ...
Part 1 | Part 2
The military coup in Egypt last summer holds some valuable lessons for Americans, especially with respect to such things as freedom, democracy, and the U.S. national-security state, which has been an important ...
Isn’t it great seeing all those statists pacing the floor and wringing their hands over the possible “shutdown” of the federal government? Given that their entire world revolves around the federal government — which is their parent or their ...
Yesterday, I was returning to the United States from Canada on the train, which is my favorite form of travel. As I (and everyone else on the train) was being made to wait at the border for about two ...
One of the most amusing -- and fallacious -- aspects of the government-shutdown debate is when statists argue that a layoff of public-sector personnel would spell economic disaster for America. Laying off all those people, statists say, would add ...
Those who are familiar with my articles know that for many years I have written lots of articles about the role of the U.S. government in the 1973 regime-change operation in Chile. The most recent of my articles, entitled ...
Statists on the left side of the political spectrum oftentimes attack "free-trade agreements" like NAFTA by claiming that they aren't "fair-trade agreements." Free trade is fine, they love to say, but only if it's fair. When they're not fair, ...
By now, everyone knows the script on the great debt-ceiling “crisis” that befalls us every two or three years. It happens like clockwork.
First, the Republicans say that they’re not going to vote to lift the ceiling unless their demands ...
An article in the New York Times, entitled “The Mismeasure of Poverty,” defends the “war on poverty,” which President Lyndon Johnson declared some 50 years ago. Actually though, as the article’s author, Sheldon H. Danziger, points out, Social ...
In the days ahead, there will inevitably be countless psychological analyses of Aaron Alexis, the man, now deceased, who is alleged to have been the killer at the Washington Navy Yard. Alexis had recently complained that people were harassing ...